NCDAC employs a staff of four persons including an Executive Director, a Fiscal Administrator, a Program Coordinator, and Administrative Assistant. Staff is charged with all aspects of contract management and reporting to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of HIV/AIDS for the twelve-county region.
The current budget of the North Central District AIDS Coalition for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 is $2,702,955 of state, federal and housing funds. All funds for services are allocated through an RFP (Request for Proposal) process and funding decisions are the sole responsibility of a board-appointed Independent Procurement Panel. The Pennsylvania Department of Health has the final approval of all contracts.
The Coalition membership, comprised of representatives of medical providers, social service providers, persons living with HIV, interested individuals and a variety of other professionals meet on a quarterly basis to conduct planning and priority setting activities. Of that group a Board of Directors has been elected who oversee the business of the North Central District AIDS Coalition and supervise staff activities. Approximately 12 to 15 persons attend the quarterly Advisory Board meetings and serve on the Coalitions various committees. At the present time approximately 36% of the Coalition membership is persons living with HIV/AIDS, while 36% of the membership is male and 64% female.
In addition to planning and contract administration, NCDAC provides a variety of training and technical assistance opportunities to its subcontracted agencies.
At the present time, services are accessible to all residents of the twelve-county region and education/prevention activities are being conducted in each county.
Our Misson
North Central District Allied Connections, in collaboration with its communities, promotes optimal quality of life for individuals living with HIV/AIDS through facilitation of prevention, core medical, and support services. ​

Our History

The NCDAC was incorporated on October 20, 1993 and received 501 (c) (3) status on February 2, 1994. On July 1, 1995, NCDAC became its own fiscal agent and contracted with the PA Department of Health to subcontract and administer approximately $850,000.00 in funds for the twelve county area through June 1996. At one time, NCDAC contracted with eight separate agencies, and currently contracts with three agencies to provide a wide variety of direct services and education/prevention programs, including housing, direct emergency assistance, case management, and client advocacy.